About Us

Bangladesh ICT & Innovation Network (BIIN) is an exemplary organization that stands as a beacon of hope for the youth of Bangladesh. By providing skill development, fostering innovation, and promoting entrepreneurship, BIIN is empowering the young generation to lead the way toward a digitally inclusive and prosperous future. Through their relentless efforts, BIIN continues to play a pivotal role in shaping the IT landscape of Bangladesh and nurturing the next generation of tech leaders.



Mission & Vision



Our mission at BIIN is to empower the youth of Bangladesh by providing them with foster innovation, nurturing a generation of tech-savvy individuals capable of positively impacting society and contributing to the nation's socio-economic growth.



We create a vibrant ecosystem that inspires and equips young individuals with IT expertise and entrepreneurial spirit to thrive in the digital era.

Our Activities



Gaming Competitions


Youth IT Training Program

Tech Contest

Hackathons and Codeathons

Startup Incubation

Digital Literacy Campaigns

Club Benefits

Cutting-Edge IT Training

Industry-Relevant Certifications

Mentorship and Guidance

Networking Opportunities

Entrepreneurial Support

Club Profile from our website

Activating leadership skill

Community Engagement

Free Course for Clubs

Internship and Job Opportunities

All National BIIN Events , your club Branding

Recognition and Awards

Become A

Why Join BIIN Family

Community Building

BIIN believes in the strength of community collaboration. They organize events, meet-ups, and forums where like-minded individuals can connect, share knowledge, and collaborate on IT projects. Such interactions create a supportive environment for learning and growth.

Social Impact

BIIN emphasizes the use of IT for social impact and development. They encourage youth to use their technological skills to address real-world challenges, such as healthcare, education, environment, and more, thereby contributing to the betterment of society.

IT Skill Development

BIIN strives to provide accessible and high-quality IT skill development opportunities to young people across Bangladesh. Through workshops, training programs, and online resources, BIIN equips them with in-demand skills such as programming, web development, data analytics, cybersecurity, and more.